Open innovation, a human and structural affair

Pascal Latouche, specialist in open innovation in France and internationally, shares the art and the way of managing relationships and structures to generate value (Based on my works as author).

Innovation Ouverte, une affaire humaine vidéo trailer


Innovation Ouverte, une affaire humaine vidéo trailer
Innovation Ouverte, une affaire humaine vidéo 1

Open innovation - Chapter 1: One human, two mindsets - 11mn

To understand how to operate open innovation effectively, we need to start by understanding the behaviour of the players in this somewhat murky playing field.

Innovation Ouverte, une affaire humaine vidéo 2

Open Innovation - Chapter 2: One scene, two leads - 16mn

Imagine a scene with 2 main actors and a myriad of supporting characters. It can help to know as much as possible about each of them, as you would if you were going to see a film at the cinema.

Innovation Ouverte, une affaire humaine vidéo 3

Open innovation - Chapter 3: One theatre, two ecosystems - 20mn

Let’s take a closer look at the myriad of supporting roles. Through what they say and do, they have a significant influence on our 2 main players. Major risks emerge, but they can and must be kept under control.

Innovation Ouverte, une affaire humaine vidéo 3

Open innovation - Chapter 4: A trusted third party, skills - 20mn

A solution to all the problems of open innovation: the accelerator, the corporate incubator? Why not! As long as you call on the right skills and not on image-seeking ‘blabla-teurs’.

Innovation Ouverte, une affaire humaine vidéo 4

Open innovation - Chapter 5: A trusted third party, resources and methods - 14mn

You want to set up a corporate accelerator or incubator? OK, choose carefully the nature of the human and non-human resources to put into it, and have a methodical approach.


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